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University of Huddersfield plans £22m building

The University of Huddersfield is planning to construct a new building for its law, music and humanities departments worth up to £22m.

Source: Construction News. Project Id: 14118876

Newham Council seeks firms for £28m housing programme

Newham Council is looking for contractors for its £28m affordable homes new-build programme in east London.

Construction News. Project Id: 14053385

Crossrail extends route to Reading

The government has announced that Crossrail will be extended to Reading. 
The extension will see the addition of two new stations at Twyford and Reading.

Source: Glenigan. Project Id: 14118981

Plans submitted for £4m supermarket

An application for the approval of reserved matters has been submitted for a scheme by Trilogy Developments Ltd on land at Steam Mills Road in Cinderford. This scheme comprises of the demolition of existing industrial units and the construction of an Asda supermarket of 4,645sqm, to include a recycling centre. HGP Architects are the architects who designed this £4.4 million scheme.

Source: Glenigan. Project Id: 11216810

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