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  • UK contractors’ order books reached a record high of £59.4billion in August 2013, according to the figures from accountants Grant Thornton. However in September the index fell back to £57.3billion due to a restatement of Balfour Beatty’s order book.
  • Housing starts were 16% higher during the 12 months to September 2013 than during the preceding 12 months, according to statistics released by the Department for Communities and Local Government. Housing completions were down by 8% over the same period.


  • Government revenues from stamp duty, VAT and income and capital gains taxes were all higher than a year ago. A 46% jump in stamp duty revenues reflects the upturn in housing market activity. VAT receipts rose by 6.4% as consumer spending increases, while income and capital gains tax receipts rose by 2.3% compared to October 2012.
  • UK car production has risen at its fastest pace this year, with production 17% higher than October 2012. This rise was attributed to strong domestic demand, buoyed by cheap finance deals available for new car purchase. Production this year to date has been 5% higher than at this stage last year; production for the domestic market is up by 26%.

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