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Glenigan's weekly roundup of keys statistics for the UK construction industry and the wider economy:


  • The underlying value of main contracts awarded fell by 9% over the three months to April compared to a year ago, according to Glenigan data. 

UK Economy

  • The unemployment rate fell to 8.2% in the three months to march. There were 2.63 million unemployed people, down 45,000 on the quarter.
  • According to the ONS, total pay (including bonuses) during January-March rose by 0.6% on a year earlier. This is the lowest growth rate since March-May 2009.
  • The UK’s deficit on seasonally adjusted trade in goods and services was £2.7 billion in March compared with the deficit of £2.9 billion in February.
  • Knight Frank/Markit’s House Price Sentiment Index indicates that average prices fell in May. A decline in home values was reported by 17% of households, while 9.5% signalled that the value of their property rose.
  • Gross mortgage lending declined to an estimated £10.2 billion in April.  Lending fell by 19% from £12.6 billion in March but was 2% higher than the total of £10.0 billion in April 2011, according to the Council of Mortgage Lenders.

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