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The Glenigan content team often receive enquiries from customers who would like to get involved in frameworks but they're not 100% sure how a construction framework works e.g. for public sector work, so in order to help, we asked one of our sector experts to explain.

What is a framework?

A framework agreement is an agreement between one or more contracting authorities e.g. Local Authorities or an NHS Trust and one or more suppliers e.g. construction companies or consultants who are awarded a place on the framework agreement.

Construction framework agreements are often used within the public sector as a vital procurement tool as they provide the flexibility to award multiple construction projects without going through a full tender application process.

Benefits of a construction framework

A framework can deliver many benefits - especially when procurement is taking place over an extended period of time - such as reduced transaction costs, continuous improvement in long-term relationships, and better value as you are tendering to a pre-qualified list of companies.

Public sector construction frameworks are normally divided into either construction value and/or geographical lots and will cover all types of building and construction works including design works, alterations, refurbishment and also different types of work packages. Some framework agreements will include additional services that include planning application and full architectural design.

Example of an £8billion framework

The Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) Construction Framework (Project ID: 16180970) is a framework which supports school building programmes and is used to procure school building construction works. The framework is also available for schools and local authorities to use for their own projects.

The ESFA divided the agreement into value and geographical lots and 33 contractors won places across the 22 lots.

  • High value: North (£1.4bn); South (£2.6bn)
  • Mid value: North East and Yorkshire (£240m); East Midlands (£210m); East England (£400m); London (£410m); South (£570m); South West (£240m); West Midlands (£230m); North West (£200m).
  • Low Value: North East (£80m); Yorkshire & Humber (£85m); East Midlands (£105m); East England A (£115m); East England B (£25m); London (£245m); South East A (£235m); South East B (£135m); South West A (£80m); South West B (£80m); West Midlands (£125m); North West (£90m)

The framework will normally operate for a period of up to four years, however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic this framework has been extended until November 2021.

Its successor is the new DfE Construction Framework 2021, which is currently being procured and can be viewed on Glenigan Project ID: 20282701. The new panel of preferred contractors will be selected in the autumn.

How to get Involved in a framework

Glenigan can help you identify all frameworks you might be interested in getting involved in. Notices announcing framework agreements are published in the same manner as standard invitations to tender. Suppliers wishing to participate must register interest using the details provided on the notice and will be awarded a place subject to their ability to satisfy selection criteria. Only those suppliers who respond to the original notice and are selected will be eligible to participate in any call-offs made under the framework.

Glenigan customers can view all new and planned framework opportunities if part of their subscription.

Not a Glenigan customer but would like to take advantage of future frameworks? Please request a free demo where we can show you more details on projects of interest to your business.

PR contact:
Emma Dukes - Construction ‎Sector Expert (Education)
E: emma.dukes@glenigan-old.thrv.uk

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