0800 060 8698 info@glenigan.com

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We’re very pleased to have been accredited with membership of the Direct Marketing Association (DMA). The DMA is a badge of accreditation, awarded only to companies that meet best practice guidelines. It acknowledges our dedication to privacy, honesty, data diligence, responsibility and accountability in everything we do. The DMA Code goes beyond legal requirements – it is a code of conduct, with a principle aim, to ‘put the customer first’ through four key attributes:
  • Respect privacy - Act in accordance with your customer’s expectations
  • Be honest and fair - Be honest, fair and transparent throughout your business
  • Be diligent with data - Treat your customer’s personal data with the utmost care and respect
  • Take responsibility - Act responsibly at all times and honour your accountability
All of which are at the very heart of the way Glenigan do business. “Membership of the DMA reinforces our position and reputation as the most accurate and responsible data provider of construction leads and intelligence in our industry. Our customers can therefore be confident that the service we provide them is of the very highest standard possible. None of our close competitors are DMA accredited which we believe provides a clear point of difference when new customers are researching new business development partners in our industry.” Robert Davis, Content Director at Glenigan

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