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The 2015 General Election campaign is now underway. The economy and the budget deficit will be a key battleground that will also determine construction’s fortunes over the next five years.


Glenigan's economics team has produced a special report reviewing the construction-specific issues that will directly impact the industry. 

From tackling the chronic under-supply of new homes to boosting the energy efficiency of existing building stock, this handy guide covers the key issues you need to be aware of as the industry faces a potential new government. 

The nine-page report summarises where the parties stand on the key issues and, with the opinion polls currently pointing at a hung parliament, identifies both areas of common ground and non-negotiable policies.

With added insight from political intelligence specialists DeHavilland, this is essential reading for any construction-related business as the final election campaigns get underway.

Download General Election 2015: Impact on UK Construction for free here.

PR contacts:
Kirsty Maclagan (Marketing and Communications Manager)
T: +44 (0)1202 786 842│E: kirsty.maclagan@glenigan-old.thrv.uk
Allan Wilén (Economics Director)
T: +44 (0)751 579 4625| E: allan.wilen@glenigan-old.thrv.uk
About Glenigan:
Glenigan is the UK’s leading provider of construction data, contract leads and construction market analysis. Combining comprehensive data gathering and exhaustive research with detailed statistical modelling and expert analysis, it delivers a trusted insight into UK construction trends and activity. Glenigan customers include government agencies, construction companies, sub-contractors and suppliers of materials and services to the industry. 

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