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Sir John Soane's Museum is currently inviting applications to tender for the £1.1 million restoration of the Sir John Soane's Museum at Lincoln's Inn Fields in London. The final date for the receipt of requests to participate is 30th April, 2012 with tenders expected to be invited 31st July 2012.

The works relate to Phase 2 of the Master plan Core project entitled 'Opening up the Soane'. The key building works involve the restoration and opening to the public of the entire second floor of the Museum.

The work will involve the recreation of and structural repair to partitions; alterations of the window encompassing significant external structural masonry; joinery restoration including dismantling and reinstatement of original elements; purpose made bespoke joinery; specialist plaster repairs and new lath and plaster ceilings; conservation of historic decorative schemes including restoration of surviving original hand-painted wallpaper and recreation of both wallpaper and specialist paint finishes; external redecorations and repairs; opening-up former skylight and associated lead roof works; conservation of antique glass panels; reinstatement of the original stained glass scheme within the private apartment and the north drawing room; reinstatement of the niche on the staircase to its original depth; removal of the service pipes and boxing in; mechanical and electrical service installations.

Project ID: 11392986

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