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Newlay Civil Engineering have won the £540,000 quality bike corridor from George IV Bridge to Kings Stables Road in Edinburgh for City of Edinburgh Council.

Works commence imminently and will be carried out over a period of three months and will see the full route extend (firstly) from The Mound at its junction with Market Street, along a secondary distributor corridor route which includes George IV Bridge, Potterrow, Buccleuch Street, Summerhall (A700), Causewayside and Mayfield Road, ending at the Liberton Brae (A701) junction and (secondly) along the primary distributor street of Melville Drive (A700), between its junctions with Argyle Place and Hope Park Crescent.

The works comprise (in most) of the removal and installation of associated traffic signs, carriageway lining and coloured surfacing for cycle lanes and bus lanes along the route and (in part) repairs to the carriageway by patching (including defective ironwork), construction and alteration of lit pedestrian refuge islands at specific locations along the route and traffic signal, footway and carriageway construction alterations to the layout of the junction of Melville Drive at Hope Park Crescent and the junction of Mayfield Road at West Mains Road. 

Project ID: 12174386

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