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The NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership, hosted by and tendering on behalf of Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board are seeking to establish a framework for building consultants. The Framework will be split into 3 lots consisting of:

  • Lot 1: design team (architect/lead consultant, M&E and structural engineer).
  • Lot 2: quantity surveyor/cost consultant, and
  • Lot 3: CDM coordinator.

The framework is designed to be a partnership arrangement between the client/the Health Board and each consultant. The Health Board will appoint a single consultant for each lot. The framework will be for an initial period of 2 years with two possible extensions each of 12 months and should provide the Health Board with amongst other things, value for money, certainty of cost and a consistent approach to projects over the life of the framework. It is anticipated that the framework will commence during May 2012.

Project ID: 12039523

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