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Glenigan are pleased to announce the support of BRE SMARTWaste in the production of this year’s UK Construction Industry KPIs.

Analysis and data provided by the SMARTWaste team has been combined with information from the long-running UK KPI survey to give an even more robust picture of current performance levels in the construction process; construction waste, water usage and CO2 emissions. 

BRE’s online SMARTWaste tool allows firms to track their waste, water, energy usage and other impacts on their construction projects. It monitors performance at both an individual project level and company level to identify areas for continual improvement, reduce costs, and enhance the robustness of corporate environmental reporting.

Steady improvement in  environmental performance over the previous decade led to the best ever set of environmental construction KPIs in 2012. However the 2014 KPIs found that projects, when normalised by project value, were producing more waste and using more energy than the previous survey; it appears the protracted downturn in workloads caused focus to shift elsewhere. 

Will this year’s results see the industry heading in the right direction once more? The full findings will be revealed on September 17th, revealing whether firms are rising to the challenge of creating a more efficient and environmentally friendly industry. Watch this space to find out more; the full 2015 UK KPI report will be available for free from the Glenigan website.


To find out more about BRE SMARTWaste visit www.smartwaste.co.uk.

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