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Source: Glenigan 

Woking Borough Council is seeking to improve pedestrian and cyclist permeability and reduce congestion by undertaking modifications to the existing Victoria Arch. A contractor is to be procured via a two stage design and build route to develop the scheme. A feasibility has been undertaken resulting in the provision of two tunnels beneath the railway line, to each side of the Victoria Arch, being the preferred option. The preferred option is for two tunnels, one on each side of the Victoria Arch. The tunnels will provide pedestrian and cyclist access beneath the arch. The removal of pedestrians and cyclists from the highway will be permit widening of the carriageways passing beneath the arch. Due to surrounding developments further modelling is being undertaken to confirm the requirement for both tunnels. Woking Borough Council is currently seeking a design and build contractor for which expressions of interest should be received by 7th February 2013 and Prequalification questionnaires returned by 14th February 2013. Contractors should apply via electronic submission of tenders and requests to participate: https://www.delta-esourcing.com/delta.

ProjectID: 13018107

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