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We have been advised the tender documents are expected to be issued by late July, 2012. The MOD has shortlisted four contractors for the chance to redevelop its Stafford-based Beacon Barracks, a contract worth £130 million. 

Carillion Construction, Kier Regional, Lend lease Construction and Skanska have been invited to participate in dialogue for the work by the Defence Infrastructure Organisation. 

The MOD has stated the search for a prime contractor to redevelop Beacon Barracks, Stafford for returning troops from Germany. The barracks will be redeveloped at a cost of £130m to create new facilities for two returning regiments of more than 1,200 troops.

Procurement bosses at the Defence Infrastructure Organisations held an industry day at the barracks so contractors could learn more about the site and plans for redevelopment.

These plans include proposals for the provision of living, working and technical accommodation to support the signal regiments. Following the procurement competition there is currently a period of further analysis and scrutiny followed by internal approval. 

A final decision on whether to move the two regiments to Stafford will not be taken until 2013. If final approval is given there would be a 32 month construction period proper to the moves taking place late 2015. 

Project ID: 9307166

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