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Tenders invited for civil contract

Glasgow City Council have now invited contractors to tender for the 3 year civil engineering construction and trades framework. The contract is to commence 1st May 2015 and is valued between £80 million and £280 million. Tenders are due back on the 15th December 2014.

Project ID: 14227666

Highways Agency announces Framework

The Highways Agency have announced plans for a Historical Railways Estate Professional Services (Design) Contract. This framework agreement will commence July 2015 for 3 years with an option to extend for a further 2 years and is anticipated to be around £7.5m. Contractors who are interested must be able to demonstrate their capability to undertake the work i.e. Structural Survey; Structural Assessment and Analysis; Feasibility studies; Design of structural repair and maintenance schemes; Design of new structures; Supervision of Contractors; Preparation of contracts; Management and assessment of tenders; Contract Management; Risk Management; Embankments - fill and analysis; Historical research; Health and Safety advisor; CDM Coordinator. In addition to the above services the contractor will be expected to demonstrate their capability in Estate Management.

Project ID: 14414454

Tenders invited for Lidl store

Tenders are currently invited for the main contract for a scheme by Lidl UK GmBh at their store in the Madford Retail Park at Charlotte Street, Carlisle. Tenders are due to be returned on 28th November 2014. This scheme comprises of the construction of an extension to the supermarket, relocation of the trolley bay and reconfiguration of the car parking space. 

Project ID: 14371269 

Plans approved for Morrison's

Detailed plans have been approved, subject to the application being referred to the Secretary of State, Eric Pickles for a scheme by B & Q Plc and Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc at Whittle Road in Meir Park, Stoke-On-Trent. The Secretary of State will consider if the planning application needs to be called in or not. This scheme comprises of the conversion of the existing B&Q store to provide a new reduced B&Q store of 5,575sqm and a Morrison¿s supermarket of 6,433sqm. Davis Weatherill Partnership are the architects who designed this £12.6 million scheme.

Project ID: 14204122

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