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Carillion listed in UK's top 20 most desirable employers

Carillion is the built environment's sole representative in a list of in-demand employers in the UK, according to a survey conducted by LinkedIn.
Search Glenigan for Carillion Plc to find out more

Lakehouse buys heating business for £6.7m

Lakehouse has added to its growing stable of subsidiary companies with the purchase of Aaron Heating Services for £6.7m.
Search Glenigan for Lakehouse Contracts to find out more

Genesis and Thames Valley Housing to merge

Major housing associations Genesis and Thames Valley Housing are set to merge, creating a 47,000 home organisation.
Search Glenigan for Thames Valley Housing to find out more

New £300m EfW plant given government green light

Plans for a new £300m energy-from-waste plant in West Yorkshire have been given the go ahead by the government.
Search Glenigan for Project ID 14396850 to find out more 

TfL unveils revised route for £27bn Crossrail 2

Crossrail 2 has moved a step closer after Transport for London unveiled revised plans for the proposed £27bn line through London.
Search Glenigan for Project ID 90181224 to find out more 

Beijing contractor scores £700m second major UK victory

Beijing Construction and Engineering Group has scored a second major victory in the UK after it was chosen as preferred contractor for the 9.7 ha Middlewood Locks development in Salford.
Search Glenigan for Project ID 6169458 to find out more 

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