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Over the last 25 years we have seen new reactors and cooling systems being introduced which have become more efficient and effective than previous nuclear power stations. The UK government have also committed to phasing out coal powers that don’t have the tech to capture and store its carbon emissions by 2025. Nuclear Energy Investment plans are now underway to ensure that new nuclear power stations will produce cleaner energy. One of the largest investors in nuclear power is EDF Energy, who have three planned Nuclear Energy projects: Hinkley Point C is expected to provide 9% of the UK’s electricity (see Glenigan project ID 01611123), Sizewell C will deliver electricity for 60 years (see Glenigan project ID 01611111) and Bradwell B is the first proposed nuclear project which aims to have transparency between the clients and the local community whilst under construction (see Glenigan project ID 01611115). Image source: EDF Energy Wind Power Offshore wind power is still preferable to onshore wind power, but visibility of the turbines becomes a contentious issue as proposals proceed to the public consultation stage. Despite this, there are many wind farms in the pipeline. One of the proposed wind farms in the Dogger Bank Zone (see Glenigan project ID 12391584) has been granted planning permission, while 2 of the proposed 4 wind farms at Hornsea have commenced on site (see Glenigan project ID's 10027613 and 13309381). Image source: Forewind Tidal Power Tidal Lagoons were first proposed 16 years ago. They are a clean, effective and reliable form of renewable energy. Despite many setbacks the Swansea Tidal Lagoon has faced, an OJEU was recently published for a consortia to undertake the £1.5bn project (see Glenigan project ID 02467079). The Morlais Tidal Energy Lagoon (see Glenigan project ID 18180654) is still progressing and has just gone out to tender for the engineering design. Hopefully, these developments will lead the way for more tidal lagoon initiatives. Image source: Swansea Tidal Power For more insight into projects and trends within the Utilities sector...

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