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Author: Sue Spencer – Glenigan retail sector expert

We are yet to see the full implications of the Brexit vote in relation to supermarkets. It is believed that Lidl and Aldi will be the least affected, with much of their produce not reliant on the European market. 

Lidl have indicated that their plans will remain unchanged, and they will invest £1.5bn over the next three years in building 40 to 50 new stores annually, refurbishing existing ones and developing new product new lines. Earlier in the year, Lidl had also outlined plans to open 280 stores in London and the M25 area. One new store likely to open in London in 2017 is at Beulah Hill in Norwood (Project ID 13320561). At Bestwood Street in Bermondsey, South West London (Project ID 14274876), Lidl are constructing a replacement store and this is due to open on 5th December 2016. 

Aldi has the largest store expansion programme in the sector and back in February 2016, it announced that it would be opening 80 new stores across the country this year. By the end of 2016, Aldi will have around 700 outlets across the country, with plans to have 1,000 stores by 2020. New Aldi stores opening over the next few months include the new store at the new Meteor Retail Park development in Christchurch, due to open on 13th October 2016 (Project ID 07309413) and the new Aldi at Abbey Lane in Leicester, which is due to open on 27th October 2016 (Project ID 15153906).

Aldi and Lidl have doubled their market share in just three years. Will we see them overtaking the ‘Big Four’ in the future?

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