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A brief round-up of Construction Industry News from throughout the UK; provided in partnership with Construction News.

Bam plots modern HQ for ocean map-makers The organisation that supported the Royal Navy through the Second World War is getting a new office that will set a course for its future. Taunton is an unassuming place: a historic county town in the middle of Somerset that draws little attention compared with the major nearby hubs of Bristol and Exeter. It’s perhaps surprising then that this land-locked town is home to the Hydrographic Office – the government agency that provides surveys, charts and data to mariners and maritime organisations across the world. Read the full article on the Construction News website.

Tight security at Galliford Try’s Manchester airport job Working on the Manchester Airport expansion has presented Galliford Try with some uncommon logistical concerns. Going through airport security can make plane travel a hassle with all the queuing and waiting time it adds. Now imagine having up to 30 operatives – plus their vehicles – going through that. Every single day. This is just one of the challenges Galliford Try faces in its work to expand Manchester Airport, which I toured as part of Open Doors 2018 on Tuesday. Read the full article on the Construction News website.

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