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A team of six brave Glenigan staff completed the CARE Construction Challenge on 30th June raising over £2500 in aid of the CARE charity for disaster relief.

The event, for teams of 2, 3 or 4 people involved cycling, running and kayaking a total of 26.2 miles across the Purbeck hills in Dorset. Other teams from BAM Nuttall, Costain, Crossrail and Kingspan took part to raise vital funds for the charity.

CARE’s work

CARE fights poverty through long-term development projects, reducing people’s vulnerability and strengthening their independence. CARE responds to humanitarian emergencies such as drought, famine, floods, earthquakes and conflict.

This is where CARE strikes a chord with the construction industry. When emergencies strike, CARE works to meet people’s basic shelter needs: protection from the elements, security and a base for their livelihoods.

CARE provides fast, effective disaster relief to communities, buying materials locally where possible. CARE knows shelter means more than just walls and a roof. Secure shelter is a catalyst for enabling families to recover from emergencies. Shelter protects health and supports access to water and sanitation services.

“The CARE Construction Challenge raised £50,000 in 2010 and £63,000 in 2011,” says CARE Challenge head Neil Munro. “A thousand pounds can build a transitional shelter to protect a family for five years after a devastating emergency, like the shelters CARE has built after the Haiti earthquake.”

Register your interest for the 2013 event

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