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Construction intelligence providers Glenigan has leant its support to a major survey to assess the true scale of bid cost expenditure to UK contractors.

The industry-wide research, launched at the start of the year, is a joint endeavour by construction marketing consultancy MarketingWorks and the University of Reading, aimed at updating the findings from their first bid cost survey in 2003.MarketingWorks_BidCost_News_Feb-14

Data gathered more than 10 years ago found the construction industry was spending more than £2 billion on bidding each year.

The research also suggested that the internal cost of responding to a bid started at approximately £1,500 for consultants and £10,000 for contractors.

This year’s survey, which is being backed by organisations including Glenigan partners Constructing Excellence and RIBA, will reveal whether these figures are still a true representation of bidding costs within the industry.

UK contractors and construction consultants of all sizes are invited to complete a 10-minute confidential questionnaire to discover:

  • The true cost of bidding in 2014
  • What factors influence that cost
  • Which behaviours and activities now influence and/or increase the likelihood of winning
  • How firms can improve their effectiveness in bidding
  • What steps they could take that immediately will improve efficiencies

Robert Davis, Content Director at Glenigan, said: “The flexibility and comprehensiveness of Glenigan’s database allows us to support MarketingWorks in this important survey.

“The true cost of bidding for construction contracts is an issue that is significant to both contractors and consultants and we will be very interested to see the results.”

Companies that take part in the survey will be entered into a prize draw, with the chance to win a free one-day MarketingWorks workshop on ‘Best Practice Behaviours & Processes to Re-energise your Win Work Team’, worth £1,750, or a free ‘Win Work Healthcheck’, worth £1,500.

A summary of the research findings will also be sent to all participants who provide a valid email address.

Philip Collard, Managing Director of MarketingWorks, said: “Please help by completing the questionnaire that should take you about 10 minutes, even if you need to estimate certain times or numbers.

“The findings will help you to assess how your company performs in relation to others within construction and where you can make efficiencies.”

To find participate in the survey, visit the MarketingWorks website.

PR contacts:

Kirsty Maclagan (Marketing and Communications Manager)

T: +44 (0)1202 786 842│E: kirsty.maclagan@glenigan-old.thrv.uk

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