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NBS LiveConstruction intelligence providers Glenigan will be sponsoring the first NBS Live conference in London on 26 November.

Allan Wilén, Glenigan Economics Director, is also speaking at the one-day event, which will bring together 80 experts from across the industry to discuss their views on the future of construction in the UK.

Designed for busy construction professionals, NBS Live offers a series of 16 seminars based around four key themes: BIM, Technology, Business & Practice and Design.

Keynote speaker Peter Hansford, the government’s chief construction advisor, will kick off the event by providing an insight into the increasing number of global opportunities in the construction industry, outlining what needs to be done to take advantage of them.

He will be joined by speakers including Steve Race, BIM Regional Ambassador for the Construction Industry Council, John Gelder, Head of Content Development and Sustainability at the NBS and Malcolm Taylor, Head of Technical Information at Crossrail.

In addition, Ken Yeang, one of the world’s leading architects in ecological and passive low energy design, will be speaking on his specialist subjects; bioclimatic skyscrapers and eco-masterplanning.

The full programme of seminars is accredited by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) for double CPD points and will cover topics including emerging markets, green infrastructure, sustainability and how to win contracts.

Robert Davis, Content Director at Glenigan, said: “Glenigan is proud to support NBS Live and share our insight into the 2014 outlook for construction with attendees.”

Following the conference, a drinks reception will be held to provide networking opportunities for more than 200 delegates expected to attend the event.

NBS Live will be held at the Business Design Centre in London on 26 November.

For more information about the event and to book tickets, visit www.thenbs.com/nbs-live

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