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A team of fundraisers from Dorset-based construction analysts Glenigan have raised £2,500 for Great Ormond Street Hospital after completing a gruelling 24-hour rowing challenge.

More than 30 staff members took part in the event at the Glenigan office in Bournemouth, from 10am on Thursday, 18 September, until 10am the following day.

The rowers took shifts of between 10 and 40 minutes to smash their fundraising target of £640, with the team covering a combined distance of 200 miles.

The marathon event was organised by world indoor rowing champion Clare Busst, a member of the key account team, in aid of a charity appeal launched earlier this year by Top Right Group, Glenigan’s parent company.

Top Right Group has pledged to raise more than £85,000 to fund a Changing Faces Practitioner within the dermatology department at Great Ormond Street who can support children with debilitating skin conditions and facial disfigurements.

A series of fundraising activities have been held across the group to reach the target, including a sponsored expedition to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa, which Glenigan researcher Emma Dukes will be embarking upon next month.

Clare said: “Out of all the challenges I have taken part in, I’m sure this one will remain the most memorable.

“As we got further into the event, I could see the energy building and the determination by everyone to make it count - I was amazed by how focused the team became.”

She added: “A huge thanks to everyone who supported this crazy idea and especially to those who took part and made it happen.”

To find out more about Top Right Group’s GOSH appeal, click here.

To sponsor Emma’s Kilimanjaro climb, visit her JustGiving page.  

PR contacts:
Kirsty Maclagan (Marketing and Communications Manager)
T: +44 (0)1202 786 842│E: kirsty.maclagan@glenigan-old.thrv.uk

Notes to the Editor:
Glenigan is the UK’s leading provider of construction data, contract leads and construction market analysis. Combining comprehensive data gathering and exhaustive research with detailed statistical modelling and expert analysis, it delivers a trusted insight into UK construction trends and activity. Glenigan customers include government agencies, construction companies and suppliers of materials and services to the industry.

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