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Q. How do I find the Project/Companies I am following?
A. Navigate to either of the Project or Company tabs on the left of the screen > Once the page has loaded go to the top right-hand corner and under Show: click on Live Projects > At the bottom of the list click on Followed and all of the Project or Companies you are following will appear.
Q. How do I setup a Project/Company Tag?
A. Navigate to the top right of the screen and click on the My Tags (0/0) option located under Tag Sorting: > A grey section should appear at the top of the page and on the left-hand side there should be two options called My Tags and Shared Tags > Once you have chosen whether to create a My or Shared Tag click on the add new button which is situated to the right of Shared Tags > Give your Tag a suitable name that relates to your process, product, service etc… > Click on the blue rectangle to choose a specific colour for the Tag > Once the name is in place and you have chosen a colour click Add to complete the process.
Q. How do I find my Project/Company Saved Searches?
A. Navigate to either of the Project or Company tabs on the left of the screen > Once the page has loaded go to the top right-hand corner and you should see two green boxes titled Save Search and View Saved > Click the View Saved button and all of your Saved Searches should appear in a dropdown list below.
Q. How do I download the Glenigan App?
A. On your mobile device go to the relevant App Store (Apple – App Store / Android – Google Play Store) and search for Glenigan, the green app icon should appear titled Glenigan – Createful Ltd. Click on the download button/icon and enter your app store password if required, the app icon should now appear on the home screen of the device and start downloading, once the process is complete you can click the icon and login to the app with your normal Glenigan website login.
Q. How do I search for keywords that are situated in my Notes?
A. On both the Project and Companies page there is a Keyword Search box located directly underneath the Filters button in the top left of the screen > Within this box there is a tick box to the right titled Search notes > Type in the keyword you wish to search for then tick the Search notes box, the results returned will only be projects/companies that have your specific keyword within its Notes section.
Q. Where is the Live Chat function situated?
A. The Live Chat function is situated just below halfway down on the left-hand side of the screen. You should see two green tabs which if you hover over will pop out for you to click on, the second tab down will take you into Live Chat.
Q. How do I search by Project ID number?
A. If you wish to search for an individual Project by its ID number, this can be done by typing the ID number in the Keyword Search box located directly underneath the Filters button in the top left of the screen.
Q. How do I remove individual Tags?
A To remove an individual Tag firstly you need to tick the relevant selection box next to the Project or Company from which the Tag needs to be removed > Once your selection is made three grey buttons should now appear in the top right of the screen (Tag/Follow/Export) > Click the Tag button and a popup window will appear showing your current Tags > In the top left of the popup window you can choose whether it’s a My Tag or Shared Tag you are working with > The applied Tag will be greyed out and have a tick in its box, if you click the box the tick will disappear and the box will go back to being white > Click Finish in the bottom left of the popup window to complete the process.
Q How do I Edit a Saved Search?
A To Edit a Saved Search navigate to the green View Saved button located in the top right-hand corner of the screen > Once you’ve clicked this button your list of Saved Searches will drop down and to the right of each search is a grey triangle which is the Run button > Click the Run button to activate your search, now if you click on the Filters button in the top left of the screen it will show you the saved criteria that makes up the active search > Make your required criteria amendments/updates > Navigate back to the View Saved button, to the left of this should be another green button which will contain either the name of your Saved Search or a picture of a pencil with a little star next to it, click this and a new box will appear below with four buttons > Click Overwrite ‘Search Name’ and this will resave the search with your new changes/updates.
Q. Why can’t I see a specific Project?
A. If you are searching for an individual Project and it doesn’t appear there are a number of reasons why this may happen. Firstly if the Time Range option is set to a reduced period like Yesterday or Last 7 days and the Project you are searching for was updated 8 days ago for example, this means it will not be returned as it falls outside of the current Time Range you are viewing. To fix this issue click change and select All time to view all live projects. This option is located between the Filters button and the number of results I the top left of the screen. Another reason for a Project not being returned is because it may have been Archived, by default your login shows Live Projects only at first, to turn on the Archived Projects click on Live Projects in the top right of the screen under Show: and then click Archived. Finally please be sure that the Project you are searching for actually falls within your paid for subscription criteria, all projects are categorised by Regions, Sectors and Size, if you are unsure what criteria coverage you currently have please contact your Account Manager who will be happy to assist you.
Q. What is meant by Primary and Secondary Sectors?
A. The difference between Primary and Secondary Sectors is all to do with the main reason for the project/scheme/development. A Primary Sector will always be the main reason/largest part of a project and the Secondary Sectors will be additional parts of the project which are normally of a smaller nature. An example of this would be a project for 33 Flats & 1 Supermarket, the Primary Sector will be Private Housing – Apartments/Flats and one of the Secondary Sectors would be Retail – Supermarkets.
Q. How do I Sort my search results?
A. Once you have performed a search you may wish to sort/reorder the results, this can be done by navigating to the top right-hand corner of the screen > Click on Last Updated which is situated under Sort By: > A list should now appear giving you a number of different Sort options > Click the required order and your results should automatically reload. The default option when customers first login is always Last Updated, this is because the majority of users wish to see the most recently updated projects at the top of their results.