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Creating Britain's Future

Construction investment helps promote economic growth. That is a message the construction industry has been taking to politicians for the best part of two years.

The UK Contractors Group has spearheaded this campaign. In October 2009 it published a report showing the importance of construction to the economy. Two facts from this report struck a chord – every £1 invested in construction creates £2.84 in economic activity and that 90p of every £1 invested stays in Britain. 

This message has been slowly getting through to politicians but there has not yet been much action to use construction investment as a driver for growth. So the construction industry needs to shout even louder.

Hence, the UKCG has launched its latest campaign “Creating Britain’s Future” which it wants the whole industry to get behind.

The campaign is a simple one. Contractors will use their site hoardings to get the message about the industry’s importance and ability to drive growth. It kicks off in London which will be full of visitors during the Olympics. The campaign will focus on highly visible sites, including those on the Olympic priority routes and the Olympic torch route. Later in the year it will be extended elsewhere in the UK.

Contractors will promote the message that construction investment will generate jobs and growth, especially to local decision makers such as local authorities and Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs).

Case study from Contractors supporting the capaign are displayed on the campaign website. This can be viewed at www.ukcg.org.uk/future.  

The campaign video can be downloaded using the following link: https://rcpt.yousendit.com/1591509725/5839ef189722d370be288592a4cbacdb

UKCG is looking for support from the whole industry. Please contact stephen.ratcliffe@ukcg.org.uk if you want to get involved.

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