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Crossrail open to ‘extending the scope’ of above-ground developments

Source: Construction News 

Crossrail chairman Terry Morgan has invited developers to come forward with “holistic” ideas for certain above ground aspects of Crossrail, saying there is still room for the project to “do more”. Although such new projects will not see the benefit of Crossrail funding, the client is open to “extending the scope” of such developments. “We can still do more but the clock is running very hard right now”, said Mr Morgan.

Company Profile: Crossrail  

Sellafield fined £700k for radioactive waste dumping 

Source: Construction Enquirer 

Sellafield Limited has been fined £700,000 for sending bags of radioactive waste to a landfill site in Cumbria. The bags should have been sent to a specialist facility that treats and stores low level radioactive waste. Carlisle Crown Court heard that a number of significant management and operational failings at Sellafield Limited led to the incorrect disposal of the waste at the Lillyhall landfill site in Workington. The error was caused by the wrong configuration of a new monitor which passed the bags as ‘general’ waste making them exempt from strict disposal controls.

Company Profile: Sellafield  

McLaren nabs £20m Bow Street Court hotel conversion

Source: Construction Enquirer  

McLaren Construction is the front runner to take the job to convert the former Bow Street Magistrates Court in London into a hotel and police museum. Sources close to the project said the firm looked set to seal a deal ahead of rival bidders ISG and Sisk. The building – which once housed prisoners including Casanova, Oscar Wilde and the Kray twins – will be partially preserved and transformed into a 99 bed hotel.

Company Profile: McLaren & Co Ltd  

Ardmore wins £22m London residential scheme

Source: Construction News  

Ardmore has been appointed as main contractor to deliver a £22m housing development in Islington, London. Notting Hill Housing Trust has selected Ardmore to deliver the development at Canonbury Road, Islington, where Ardmore will build 90 high quality apartments, including 45 open market units. The site sits just eight metres above the Victoria Line tunnels and 10 metres above the Great Eastern tunnels. Work on the site is due to begin in September 2013.

Company Profile: Ardmore Group 

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